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Terms & Conditions

Regulations of the website "Almogam Holiday Apartments"


  • The website is a website that provides, among other things, information about the housing units in the Beti Almog complex in the city of Eilat (hereinafter: “Beti Almog Complex”), prices, services and more. Also, the website allows you to rent housing units for the Bati Almog complex for different periods
  • The site is the sole property of Almog Eilat (M.D.E.) 2000 Ltd. PO Box 512989013 (hereinafter ” company”)
  • Any person who uses or surfs the website or purchases or wishes to purchase services through the website (hereinafter “the purchaser” or “the user”) hereby declares and undertakes that he is aware of the website’s regulations and agrees to its instructions and conditions.
  • The provisions of this regulation are also valid for browsing and using the site on any computer or other communication device (cell phones, laptops, etc.)
  • The provisions of this regulation also apply to content published by the company on other websites on the Internet or by email, and in particular on other networks and/or social media, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.
  • The company may stop the website activity at any time and without prior notice either temporarily or permanently. The user waives in advance any claim or claim regarding the termination of the site’s activity. The clauses relating to intellectual property, limitation of liability and liability and indemnification and compensation will remain in force even after the site is closed or these regulations expire unless replaced by another.
  • For reasons of convenience only, the wording of the site and the regulations is made in the masculine language, but everything stated on the site and in the regulations is addressed to both women and men.
  • The titles of the chapters are given for convenience and orientation in the regulations purely and will not be used for its interpretation.


  1. Terms for using the site:


  • Any person may use the website subject to fulfilling the cumulative conditions listed below: (a) the user is qualified to perform legally binding actions; (b) the user is at least 18 years old; (c) the user lives in Israel; (d) the user has an e-mail box on the Internet; (e) The user has a valid Israeli credit card, issued in Israel by one of the following credit card companies: Visa K.A.L., Visa Alpha Diners Club, American Express, IsraCard, Mastercard; (f) The user has an Israeli ID card Valid or valid passport
  • Use of the website constitutes a declaration by the user that he is not legally incompetent and is competent to perform legal actions (otherwise refrain from using the website). Nevertheless, an action performed by a minor user or one who is not qualified to perform legal actions will be done only after informing the minor’s natural or appointed guardian or his representative who is qualified to perform actions on behalf of the minor and everything as understood in the Law of Legal Qualifications and Guardianships, 5772 1962 as the case may be (hereinafter: “the representative”) under the terms of these regulations and subject to the consent of the representative. Any such action performed on the website by a minor or incompetent user will be at the discretion of the representative, with his consent and under his supervision, and will bind the user and his representative alike. What is stated in this section will also apply if it is a legal action that is beyond the control of a minor or a person who is incompetent to perform an action legal to do.
  • Some of the services provided on the website are subject to a registration procedure, within which the user will be required, among other things, to confirm his agreement to the terms of service and the provisions of these regulations, as well as to provide identifying details about him.
  • You may not use the website or its contents for commercial purposes or any other use, except as specified in these regulations, without the prior written approval of the company. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that the user may use this website solely for the purpose of ordering and purchasing services from the company or receiving information from the company.
  • The company does everything to ensure that the information displayed on the website is as correct and accurate as possible, but it must be remembered that this is only general information and the company will not be responsible for the content and substance of the information displayed and published on the website that originates from any third parties and therefore the website, the company, any of their owners, any of their managers or anyone On their behalf, or any of the site operators will not be responsible to the user or anyone on his behalf due to the inability of the user or anyone on his behalf to use the information for any reason or to adapt the information to the needs of the user or anyone on his behalf, and the user undertakes that he will be solely responsible for the way in which he makes (or has made) use in the information.
  • The use of the website, including filling out electronic forms on the website, placing an order through the website or ordering any of the services on the website constitutes the user’s agreement to all the terms of the website regulations without any limitation or reservation. The website, the company, any of their owners, any of their managers or anyone on their behalf, or any of the website operators will not be responsible for damage of any kind and type whatsoever that may be caused to the user or anyone on his behalf as a result of failure or delay of any kind or type whatsoever, which will be caused as a result of using the website or attempting to use it as mentioned, including use for the purposes of ordering services and information and the user or anyone on his behalf shall not be in connection with these matters and all that is involved, any claim or demand or claim, directly or indirectly, against the website, the company, any of their owners, any of their managers or anyone on their behalf, or any of the operators of the website.
  • A person who encounters prohibited activity on the website according to these regulations or according to the laws of the State of Israel undertakes to immediately notify the company and the website operator.
  • The company or website operator may delete the information in their possession regarding any of the users without any notice. The user will not have any claim, claim or right to claim damages regarding this matter and information.
  • This regulation comes to add to the aforementioned in any law. It will be clarified that a violation of these regulations may constitute a civil wrong or a criminal offense, depending on the matter and the circumstances.


  1. Details of the purchaser of the services


  • A user wishing to purchase services through the website will be required to enter details in the registration form on the website (hereinafter: “Purchase details”) .
  • Without derogating from what is stated in section 1 of these regulations, a person who has a valid e-mail box, who has filled in all the mandatory fields appearing on the order form on the website, has been faithfully filled in by him, including and without detracting, his name, e-mail address, address His place of residence, his ID or passport number, his credit card number and phone numbers to contact him.
  • The company will be entitled to prevent any user from using the website and making any order, temporarily or permanently, in any of the following cases :
    • If, in the company’s opinion, the user provided false or incorrect information during his registration. It is hereby clarified that entering false purchase details can amount to a criminal offense and the company will be entitled to take all measures available to it according to any law against the submitter of the false registration, including applying to the courts for indemnification and compensation for all damages and expenses caused or that may be caused to the site, the company or anyone on its behalf .
    • If, in the company’s opinion, the user has committed an act or omission that harms or may harm the company or any third parties, including the company’s customers .
    • If, in the company’s opinion, the user made illegal use of the website or made use of the website’s services to commit an illegal act or to enable, facilitate, assist or encourage the commission of such an act .
    • If, in the company’s opinion, the user has violated the terms of this regulation or any additional agreement with the company or someone on its behalf .
    • The credit card in the user’s possession has been blocked or restricted for use in some way .


  • The user confirms that he is only a private user who wishes to rent a housing unit through the website or order a service from the website for private needs only and he is not authorized to place an order through an intermediary. and/or group sale and/or wholesale sale and/or mass sale and/or sell his order to any other third party. Use of the website contrary to this will entitle the company to take all the measures available to it according to any law against the user and violation of these restrictions, including the cancellation of transactions and the claim of all damages (financial and non-financial), fees and expenses incurred by it or anyone on its behalf as a result .


  1. make an order:


  • A user wishing to rent a housing unit through the website will use the website’s “booking system”. The system will allow the user to select the requested housing unit and enter all the details required to make the order (“Order”) .
  • During the order, the user will be offered the opportunity to join the company’s customer club For details about the customer club, see section 8 of this regulation
  • An order will be complete, complete and confirmed only after the user has received a system message confirming the correctness of the order in all its details and including the order number (hereinafter, respectively: “Reference” and “Purchase”). The user must print the reference that will serve as a confirmation for making the purchase and present it to the receptionist when he arrives at the Beti Almog complex.
  • The company will not bear any responsibility of any kind, directly or indirectly, in the event that the purchase details were not captured in the system or were partially captured, while it will not bear any responsibility for any technical problem, of any kind, or any other problem that prevents the user from purchasing the services through the website .
  • The company, its owners, managers, employees or anyone on its behalf will not be responsible, in any way, for a mistake made by the user in typing the purchase details, including, but not limited to, a mistake in choosing the housing unit, date, and any other service ordered by the user through the website, and the user hereby declares that he will not have any claim, claim or demand in this matter against them .
  • Providing the credit card details in the reservation system is done for safety purposes only, unless it appears or is otherwise required, the payment for the purchase will be made directly at the Beti Almog complex, on the day of arrival . Notwithstanding the above, it is clarified that after providing the credit card details, and for the purpose of examining the card’s integrity, the company will perform a integrity check with the relevant credit company, where as part of this check, a credit limit of 50 (fifty) new shekels will be ‘seized’, When the seizure of the aforementioned frame is done only for the purpose of checking the card’s integrity (and without the user being charged any actual amount), while after a few days from the completion of the inspection, the same frame that was seized will be released immediately .
  • On the basis of the aforementioned, during the holidays and the summer period as defined in section 6 below, the company shall be entitled to pre-charge the user for the purchase amount, by notifying the user in advance .
  • Purchase in installments : The user will be entitled to pay for the purchase in installments, in accordance with the company’s payment terms policy, as detailed below :
    • You can pay up to three installments without interest
    • Above three payments, the payment will be with interest and linkage
    • Payment in cash will be made subject to all laws, including in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Reducing the Use of Cash, 2018.
  • Making changes to a purchase made on the website can only be made through the website or by contacting the company representative on the phone: 079 – 5655200 or by e-mail at
  • If a user cancels or changes his purchase in accordance with the above, the date determining the cancellation of the purchase or its changes will be the date of receipt of the fax or email at the company’s offices or the date of the phone call and the confirmation of the company representative. If the day of receipt of the written notice is a day of rest, the date of cancellation or change will be considered the first working day after it .


  1. Order cancellation policy by the user:


  • ” Cancellation of an order” – Cancellation of an order will be performed by the user through the website or by contacting the company representative, subject to the law and the terms of these regulations, after the user has placed an order through the website’s order system, and after the user has received a reference, according to the terms of the regulations .
  • Contacting the company for the purpose of canceling an order as stated above can only be done through the website or by contacting the company representative on the phone: 079 – 5655200 or by e-mail at the address
  • Need to cancel the order The name of the user who ordered the housing unit, the reference number received upon making the order and the identity card/passport number of the orderer must be provided .
  • A user may cancel an order placed through the website (remote seller), in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, 1981-1981 and the regulations established pursuant thereto (hereinafter, collectively: “Consumer Protection Law”) .

Please note :
The Consumer Protection Law requires you to disclose various details to the consumer and behave in a unique manner regarding cancellations/cancellation fees, also towards different populations; For your convenience, we have compiled everything in a separate appendix .

  • In normal season, i.e. cancellation during the months of January to June and from September to December, when the entire order was made through ‘remote seller’, as defined in the Consumer Protection Law :
    • The reservation can be canceled within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of confirmation of the reservation (receipt of the reference on the execution of the reservation), provided that the date of cancellation of the transaction falls within 7 (seven) days that are not rest days (hereinafter: “business days”) prior to the first day of stay at the hotel; For cancellation as stated in this section, the company (or someone on its behalf) will charge a cancellation fee of NIS 100 (one hundred) or 5% (five percent) of the total value of the order, whichever is lower, using the credit card whose number was provided to the company by the user If several rooms were booked – the cancellation fee will be for each room.
    • In the case of cancellation of a reservation made less than 7 (seven) business days before the first day of stay at the hotel (regardless of the time period that has passed since the date of the reservation) and up to 24 hours before the first day of stay at the hotel, the company (or someone on its behalf) will charge through the credit card number Provided to the company by the user, a cancellation fee of 50% (fifty percent) of the total value of the order .
    • In the case of cancellation of a reservation made less than 24 hours before the date of accommodation or in the event of failure to arrive at the Almog House complex at the time specified in the reservation, the company (or someone on its behalf) will charge a cancellation fee of 100 through the credit card whose number was provided to the company by the user % (one hundred percent) of the total order value .
  • during holiday periods, holiday eves and Rosh Hashanah holidays, Sukkot, Passover and Shavuot (hereinafter: “holiday periods”) and duringThe summer, i.e. cancellation of accommodation booked for the months of July – August (above and below: “the summer period”) , when the entire reservation was made through a remote seller as defined in the Consumer Protection Law :
    • The reservation can be canceled within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of confirmation of the reservation (receipt of the reference on the execution of the reservation), provided that the date of cancellation of the transaction falls within 7 (seven) days that are not rest days (hereinafter: “business days”) prior to the first day of stay at the hotel; For cancellation as stated in this section, the company (or someone on its behalf) will charge a cancellation fee of NIS 100 (one hundred) or 5% (five percent) of the total value of the order, whichever is lower, using the credit card whose number was provided to the company by the user If several rooms were booked – the cancellation fee will be for each room .
    • In case of cancellation of a reservation made less than 14 (fourteen) business days before the first day of stay at the hotel (regardless of the period of time that has passed since the date of the reservation) and up to 48 hours before the first day of stay at the hotel, the company (or someone on its behalf) will charge through the credit card whose number was given to the company by the user, a cancellation fee of 50% (fifty percent) of the total value of the order .
    • In the event of a cancellation of a reservation made less than 48 hours before the date of accommodation or in the event of failure to arrive at the Bati Almog complex at the time specified in the reservation, the company (or someone on its behalf) will charge a cancellation fee of 100 through the credit card whose number was provided to the company by the user % (one hundred percent) of the total order value .


  1. Site sale change policy


  • The company reserves the right to stop at any time, at its sole discretion, the sale on the website, in whole or in part, including in any of the cases detailed below:
    • If it turns out that an illegal activity has been or is being carried out on the site.
    • If there was a communication or technical malfunction that prevented or could have prevented a particular purchase .
    • In the event of force majeure, global epidemic, acts of war, hostility or terrorism which, in the opinion of the company, prevent the continuation of the sale, its performance, sufficient participation in it or the realization of the order .
    • If there is an error in the description of the services, in the terms of the services, in the terms of the order, in the event of an error in the entry of the sales data or in the entry of the user data, the company may cancel the specific purchase .
    • In any case that an action was taken contrary to these regulations .
  • Notice of such cancellation or termination will be given to the user, and the company will refrain from charging the user’s credit card and will return to him any amount paid for his order, to the extent that it was paid .


  1. Hours of reception and evacuation of the holiday apartments


  • The reception of the housing unit from Sunday to Friday will be carried out starting at 15:00, and the reception of the housing unit on Saturday or on a holiday will be carried out close to the departure time of the Sabbath or holiday .
  • The eviction of the housing units on Sunday through Friday is until 11:00, and the eviction of the housing units on Saturday or on a holiday is until 2:00 m.
  • A guest who wishes to make a ‘late departure’, after 11:00 (on a weekday) or after 14:00 (on Saturdays and holidays) and no later than 20:00, may do so by contacting the reception representative at the Beti Almog complex. Approval of such a request is subject to the sole discretion of the Beti Almog complex and is subject to the occupancy of the complex, for the approval of the complex’s management. ‘Late departure’ will be charged with an additional fee of NIS 250 per housing unit. It is hereby clarified that the guest will not have any claim, claim or demand against the company or anyone on its behalf for the aforementioned charge, and by contacting the Beti Almog complex with a request for a late check-out, the guest expresses his consent to the charge His account in the aforementioned late departure fees.
  • If the Beti Almog complex management has approved a ‘late departure’ as mentioned above, and the guest is late in vacating the housing unit, the guest will be charged an additional fee for said delay which will be calculated according to the full accommodation rate of an additional night in the housing unit according to the Beti Almog complex price list valid at that time .
  • The company and the management of the Beti Almog complex reserves the right not to allow ‘late departure’ for any reason .


  1. Ownership and copyright


  • The company owns all the intellectual property rights on the website, the source code, the images and all other content found on it, including textual, visual, audio, audio-visual content, image, sound, video and all existing media including all end devices currently on the market and which are to be developed in the future. The company also owns all content including reviews of the housing units in the Beti Almog complex, articles about the company and the housing units in the complex, files of various types, recommendations on the housing units in the Beti Almog complex, information that appears on the website regarding the products and services in the Beti Almog complex, as well as any other content that may appear on the site. Without exhausting the rights available to the company, it is clarified that the company’s rights include images, visual, audio clips, source files, computer files, charts, illustrations, three-dimensional simulations, one-dimensional simulations, applications, icons and other materials that may To be protected as protected works according to the Copyright Law, 1994. All IP (intellectual property) rights relating to this website are fully owned by the company, including the domain name (complex) and including the copyrights, trademarks, designs, registered patents And if they are not registered, the methods, the know how, the source code of the source software, the trademarks, the service marks, the economic rights, the moral rights, graphic files, technical information are the exclusive property of the company (hereinafter together – the “copyrights”) .
  • The user, by browsing the website, hereby declares that he knows that the trademarks, information and trade secrets related to the website are the property of the company and that the user is not allowed to make any use, directly or indirectly, in exchange or not, of the rights belonging to the company or any third party, including Copyrights and trademarks that will be exposed during the use and browsing of the website, including that it is prohibited to copy, distribute, publish, sell, reproduce, transmit, photograph or change the information that appears on the website or part of it, prepare a derivative work, make commercial or non-commercial use of the rights, make Use of content, images, videos, sound files or any other content that may appear on the website. The provision applies whether the information or part of it is owned by the company or whether it is owned by a third party, except in cases of downloading for personal and non-commercial use. The services provided on the site and all the information contained therein are the property of the company only .
  • The user undertakes not to make any falsification or other changes to the information, or any action that may damage the correctness of the information and its reliability or the honor or name of the company or any other party on its behalf
  • order to link or display the site on other sites on the Internet, so that the site will be a “linked site”, you must obtain prior written permission from the company


  1. Information security and privacy protection :


  • The company will not transfer the user’s personal information to any other party and will not make any use of the user’s payment method information except to make a payment for a purchase that the user requested to make .
  • The company will transfer to third parties and/or suppliers the information provided by the user or stored in the site’s database in the following cases :
    • For the purpose of operating the website in an optimal way and creating a personal adjustment to the customer’s needs .
    • For the purpose of receiving statistical data and/or activity data, the characteristics of the activity and other data that may help the company to receive information about how to use the site and the services that are provided within the site .
    • For targeted advertising, customized to the customer’s needs .
    • In the event that a judicial order is obtained instructing the company to hand over the information to a third party .
    • In the event of any claim, claim, demand or legal proceedings, if any, between the user and the website staff or anyone on his behalf .
    • In the event that the user has violated the terms of use established on the website or in the event that the user has committed an act or omission that harms or may harm the company or any third parties or in the event that the user has used the company’s services to commit an illegal act .
    • In the event that the transfer is required for the purpose of collecting funds due to the website or the company from the users for the services, provided that the third party has undertaken to accept the provisions of this privacy policy .
    • The user is aware that all the details, data, news and documents that he has given or will give to the company or to anyone on its behalf or to any other entity making a purchase, including his personal details, may be entered into a database registered in the name of the company, subject to what is stated in the Privacy Protection Law, 1981 Hereinafter, respectively: “Database” and “Privacy Protection Law”). The user declares that all the above-mentioned details were provided by him voluntarily and with full consent, without any legal obligation to do so .
    • cookie technology (hereinafter: “cookie”) that identifies his surfing patterns on the website. The company uses cookies for the purpose of providing a personalized service, including for the purpose of optimizing the service and personalization .
    • The user may reject or cancel the use of the cookie, at his discretion and he can do so by making a change in the browser settings .
    • The company may expand, adapt and improve the site’s database, including information that may be considered personal information, using other databases, purchased or transferred to the company .
    • The user is aware that the company or someone on its behalf may contact him in the future by direct mail based on the data detailed in the aforementioned database, including in matters not related to these regulations, as well as contact him with marketing and advertising offers of any kind and type through the various means of mailing, all subject to the Privacy Protection Law and in accordance with the provisions of the law ( Hereinafter: “References”). It is clarified that the user has the right, according to his request, to be deleted from any of the company’s databases or from anyone on its behalf or to order that information relating to him not be provided to a person, to a type of person or to certain people, and all for a limited or fixed period of time, and all of this by giving an explicit written notice to the company, stating his demand to be deleted from the database. It is also made clear that the user reserves the right, insofar as he is not interested in receiving referrals, to request the removal of his name from the mailing list for sending referrals (among other things, by marking the appropriate rubric in the emails that will be sent (if sent) to him or by registered mail or by email to the company .
    • It is also known to the user that information provided by him as stated above, can and will also be stored in an additional database that the company owns (if any), which is used for its direct mail services and those on its behalf, and that the data may be used by the company or those on its behalf, subject to the limitations of the law and the provisions of the Privacy Protection Law .
    • According to the Privacy Protection Law, every person has the right to review the information about him held in a database. A person who reviewed the information on it and found that it is not correct, complete, clear or updated, may contact the owner of the database with a request to correct the information or demand in writing that the information referring to it be deleted from the site’s database. This type of request should be sent to an e-mail box :


  1. general


  • The number of places in the Beti Almog complex is limited and the reservation is based on available space only, as of the date of reservation .
  • The prices published on the website are for Israelis only, in new shekels and include VAT according to the VAT rate on the day of payment. In Eilat, the prices do not include VAT and the user will not be charged for it .
  • Upon arrival at the Beti Almog complex, the user undertakes to review the “Beti Almog Complex Agreement” intended to maintain the tranquility of the guests in the complex, its provisions apply to all Beti Almog complex including the user .
  • The company is entitled, at its sole discretion, to cancel or change the conditions for accepting orders, as well as the prices published on the website, all or part of them, at any time .
  • The company shall be entitled, at its sole discretion and without notice, to change from time to time these regulations, the terms of use of the website, the structure of the website, its content, its appearance, including the scope and availability of the services offered therein, and any other aspect involved in the website and its operation. The validity of the aforementioned changes will be from the date of their publication on the website, and any such change will be valid immediately from that moment of publication and will be binding on the user, unless expressly stated otherwise .
  • The prices published on the website are stated in new shekels, on which local tax will be added as required by law .
  • Accommodation in the company’s hotels is for adults over the age of 18 only; Accommodation of children and youth under the age of 18 will be possible only when accompanied by an adult over the age of 21
  • Regarding the invitation: “baby” – those up to two years old. “Child” – anyone between 2-12 years old .
  • All the images shown on the website are for illustrative purposes only – since the images are displayed on the user’s computer monitor or printed by the user from the computer, there may be differences and changes between the appearance of the housing units, the services or the housing units shown in the images and their appearance in reality .
  • The company, its owners, managers, employees, or any of them or on their behalf, will not bear any responsibility for the server, through which the site is operated, including that said server will be free of viruses or other components that may damage the user’s personal computer when browsing the site, purchasing services through the site or Any other use of the website, delay or delay in receiving the information as a result of overloads on communication lines, disruption including omission, error, inaccuracy or the up-to-dateness of the information as a result of disruption or failure of means of communication, hardware, or software in the computer systems of the user, the company or for any other reason; The user will not have any claim, claim or demand against the company, its owners, managers, employees or anyone on its behalf or the operator of the website in connection with such faults or damages .
  • A user undertakes to indemnify and compensate the website, the company or anyone on its behalf and the operator of the website or anyone on its behalf, and any party on their behalf or a third party for any damage, expense, loss or loss of profit caused to them due to a violation of these regulations by him or anyone on his behalf, all this in addition for any remedy according to law. The user agrees that this obligation for indemnification and compensation will apply whether or not the site or someone on its behalf is a party to the claim. The user shall pay the amounts of compensation or indemnity that result from the violation of these regulations, as stated above, immediately upon the first demand of the site or any of the above parties. This demand for payment will be decisive evidence regarding the need for indemnification and compensation in that matter .
  • The laws that will apply to these regulations are the laws of the State of Israel only .
  • Jurisdiction in any case of conflict or dispute relating to these regulations is exclusively and uniquely given to the courts authorized to hear legal proceedings in connection with it in the jurisdiction of the city of Tel Aviv .